Welcome parents and students to our first day of class!!! I will be posting information on this website about things we do in class everyday to keep the parents and students updated and informed. I am new to this site so bare with me, I am learning as I go! =]
August 17th- Since today is our first day I explained a lot of rules of the classroom and directions that will help the students throughout the year. I would like the students to have an understanding of the classroom rules and to become comfortable with their environment. Having your children feel comfortable in the classroom is very important to me. If you have any comments or question you can feel free posting on this site or you can always email me at
After meeting your children today, I cannot wait to get this school year started. They all seemed like great kids with the desire to learn. The student's all seem excited to start school back up. I had a great summer and enjoyed the time off, but I too am ready for school to start back up! To wrap up, I will post on here everyday with the date listed before the post to inform you of the class schedule and what was completed in class.
Nice to meet you all! And here's to a fantastic year.
-Miss Mickala
Below is a nice poem related to The First Day of School. Enjoy!
The First Day of School
by Ruth Donnelly

I've got a brand-new lunchbox.
My shows are shiny clean.
I've got a cool, new bookbag
And a pencil box that's green.
But I don't know my teacher,
Or where my desk will be.
I don't know if I'll like the kids,
Or if they'll play with me.
I peek inside my classroom.
I stand there for a while.
My teacher's tall and kind of loud,
But has a great big smile.
And, best of all, she's got my
Favorite book upon the shelf!
I kiss my mother at the door
And walk in by myself.